Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tweet Tweet!

I finally joined Twitter!  I am @prettysensitive on there, just in case you'd like to "Follow" me!  :)

Also, I'm running a special discount during the month of February for Facebook Fans.  The coupon code is located on the fan page which can be found at:  (FYI - it is for 15% off!!)

And finally, I ventured into my local 1/2 Price Books store this evening to do a little browsing and picked up two very interesting books on jewelry making.  One is titled "Jewelry Making Techniques Book" and the other is "Great Wire Jewelry Projects & Techniques."  I am oh so excited about all of the marvelous *Techniques* that I will get to read about!!  Maybe I'll share my favorites here!

I cleaned up my laptop's hard drive a bit yesterday so that I had enough room to load more earring photos to crop and save for posting to Etsy and was able to do that processing on most of them tonight.  So, now I'm off to bed, and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post my newest styles for everyone to see!  "There's a few of them that I'm particularly psyched out of my mind for."  (that is a quote in some movie I've seen.....which is not coming to mind right now.  I am far too tired to be up right now!)  Aaand, goodnight!  :)


  1. Ok - I just looked it up and that quote is from the movie "Elf" - love that movie!

  2. Hi Amanda,

    Just wondering how the 'tweeting' is going? It's the one marketing endeavor that I've yet to embark on...

    Ruth :)

  3. Hi Ruth - I've noticed that so far for listings that I tweet, I get about 20 or so additional viewings. So there's a bit of an advantage so far. I have yet to figure out how to participate in conversation topics with others very well though. It's a format that for me has a bit of a learning curve to it. :) Thanks for following my blog!
