Wednesday, August 17, 2011


We are moving into a new house this next week and I am so excited!  I will have a whole office dedicated to crafting!  I plan on setting up my light box and camera in one location so that it will always be up and ready for pictures to be taken.  That way I won't have to do one long marathon of item photos...which is followed by long batches of photo editing...and catching up on listing items for sale.  This way I can list items for sale as I complete them!

I am planning on going to the University of Washington Surplus Store (open to the public on Tuesday afternoons) to purchase a $10 work table - which I am soooo excited about!  (Side note - they have lots of great deals on fun stuff and very entertaining item explanations:

In the mean time, I may be in and out, as we are now packing, then moving, and unpacking!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Giveaway Contest Results

Thank you to everyone who participated!  I had a handful of guesses submitted via email in addition to the comments left on the blog entry with all the contest details!

My dear hubbie sat down and counted and counted...and counted!  I believe his first response was, "Man!  These are tiny!"  ;)

And...the number of seed beads within the tube came to a grand total of 1,566!

Looking throughout the guesses left via comment and those received via email, the closest guess without going over the total number, is blogger account holder "bubblegum" with a guess of 1,300!

Unfortunately, I do not have an email address for this commenter.  So, if you are "bubblegum," please contact me by sending an email to me at by 11:59 pm PST on Sunday, August 7, 2011, to claim your winnings (any one pair of earrings in my etsy shop located at  In your email, please include your choice of earrings along with your name and mailing address!

If I do not receive an email from bubblegum by Sunday night, then I will go through and identify the next closest guesser and announce them here and contact them via email.

Thank you again, everyone, for participating!  I am really excited about surpassing that 100 sales milestone mark.  Onward and upward!

**Edit on Tuesday, August 9, 2011...  I did not receive an email from the initial winner, so the next closest guesser was blogger user "Jonathan and Jamie" with a guess of 1225 seed beads!  Congratulations!  I will be contacting you via email to arrange details for your prize (one free pair of earrings from my etsy shop!!).

Thanks again, everyone!